Saturday Reconciliation 2:00 pm
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass 8:00 am
Sunday Mass 10:00 am - Live
Sunday Mass 4:00 pm
Tuesday Mass 7:00 pm
Wednesday Mass 9:00 am
Thursday Mass 7:00 pm
Friday Mass & Adoration 9:00 am
Welcome to this page on our parish website. It's necessity comes from a place of horror and grief as we grapple with our legacy of our Church's running Indian Residential Schools in Canada, one of which was in Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia. This is an issue that is not relegated to the past for us; yes, we need to hear the truth about the past, but we need to act with justice now and in the future. Our parish has formed a committee whose aim is to work toward truth and reconciliation. Here is our statement of purpose:
The purpose of the Stella Maris Parish Truth and Reconciliation Committee is to listen and learn in humility in an attempt to build a bridge of truth and reconciliation with the Indigenous peoples of Mi'kma'ki. As a spiritual community of Catholic faith, we desire to be de-colonized and re-Christified in our journey of releasing our sovereignty to God.
Residential Schools in Canada: A Timeline
Senator Murray Sinclair on Reconciliation
Homily by Archbishop Brian Dunn
Fr. Robs homily from June 6th, 2021