Saturday Reconciliation 2:00 pm
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm
Sunday Mass 8:00 am
Sunday Mass 10:00 am - Live
Sunday Mass 4:00 pm
Tuesday Mass 7:00 pm
Wednesday Mass 9:00 am (followed by coffee social)
Thursday Mass 7:00 pm
Friday Mass & Adoration 9:00 am
First Saturday of the Month 9:00 am
Tuesday to Friday
masses will
be at 7:00 pm for
the week of
January 14th
The Way of Stella Maris
The 2025 Way of Stella Maris will be held June 17th - June 21st.
The Way of Stella Maris is a 100 km walking pilgrimage along the spectacular East Coast of Nova Scotia. It is a grace-filled way to journey inward, while walking a route which begins along the Musquodoboit Trail and ends at Stella Maris Parish, Halifax.
The Parish of Stella Maris is looking to re-start this popular pilgrimage route. In order to make this happen, we need volunteers.
Would you be interested in offering to volunteer for one of the following positions:
Operations Team (2 volunteers)
This team of two takes care of the overall operations of the pilgrimage. These duties include:
Driving the rental van, which is used to transport belongings, cots and food from one venue to the next each day.
Placing direction markers for the pilgrims along the route the pilgrims will walk the following day. These signs are placed at points where the walking route crosses roads.
Albergue Hospitality Team (3 volunteers)
This team is the “home base” for the pilgrims that is responsible for setup of each site, based around an RV owned by Phil and Maxine Brown. Overall, this team will be a welcome presence to tired pilgrims. Duties include:
Tear down and setup of each site.
Keep the hot drinks hot and the cold drinks cold!
Help with preparation of the lunch foods pilgrims will take with them each day (all others meals will be catered)
One member of this team should be a qualified first aid.
Contract / Registration Manager (1 Person)
This person will liaise with each venue concerning contractual matters (rental / catering) and also manage the registration process for the pilgrimage, in liaison with parish staff.
Water Stations (2 volunteers)
A stop along the way is an oasis for the pilgrims. The water station volunteers are angelic hosts to offer weary pilgrims a cold drink and a snack.
Volunteers for this position can serve only one day.
If you are interested in volunteering for any one of these positions, please complete the volunteer form.
If you have any questions, please email: